Monday, August 20, 2012

Another Interesting Book by Philips Delves Broughton

One of my colleagues just finished reading "Life's A Pitch - And then you Buy - What the World's Best Sales People Can Teach Us all" by Philips Delves Broughton and have taken the following key learning points :

* Success, according to Nightingale's definition is "really nothing more than the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. The successful person is the one who wakes up in the morning and knows what they are doing, why and where their actions are leading. It could be anything for an exam, teaching, to running a small business or a very large one. The idea itself does not matter". Nightingale claimed that only one in twenty of us achieves this broad definition of success."Most of us are just drifting, composites of others we don't particularly admire but by whom we would rather be liked than not. He argues liked Gitomer, that convention is an ass. "Whatever the great majority is doing in any circumstance, if you do exactly the opposite, you'll probably never make a mistake as long as you live. The tragedy, Nightingale said, is that people die without ever making full use of their abilities and lie on their death beds consumed by regret.
* Nightingale argues there are seven items necessary for living a full life:

1. Goals - without them a man is no better than a "starfish or amoeba" living hour to hour day to day always reacting, never setting his own course
2. Attitude - because it determines others' attitude towards us
3. Thinking deliberately and with a purpose - not being buffeted by circumstance and biddable by others, but thinking for oneself.
Truth - for it will be reciprocated.  
The Law of Laws - the notion that we get what we give 
6. Invest in one's own development - just as a company would invest in its own training then so should we
7. The importance of thoughts - Our thoughts determine our fate. Whether we become dictators or gas station attendants, it is what we think of most of the time that leads to these outcomes. It is why, Nightingale says, that thinking and have a goal are so important. Without them we are nothing. 

At the moment, we are currently busy marketing our new upcoming event. It is the 

Annual Review of Employment Law 2012 (Ramada)

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