Sunday, May 13, 2012

Andy Bounds's Sales Seminar

6 key learning points from Andy Bounds's Sales Seminar in London, 26th of April:

1. People buy because they are interested in your value proposition not your unique proposition.

2. Money is never a money issue but a priority issue. We need to help customers give us priority.

3. Success, not perfection is what selling is all about.

4. You need an incentive on Facebook for customers to like you. For example, to receive 5 top tips a day, join us on Facebook.

5. The aim of the marketing brochure is to cause something to happen.

6. Facts tell, stories sell. A good selling technique is what is known as the "BO" technique. Where 'B' stands for Benefits and 'O' stands for Options. Give them a choice of 'Yeses' rather than a 'Yes-No' option.

At the moment we’re all working hard on our big event coming up soon. This is the Absence From Work Conference.

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