Saturday, June 9, 2012

Employee Management

Our CEO has been researching staff engagement recently and has come up with the following conclusions:

1. One of the most effective strategy to impact engagement across an organization: Start at the top

  • It will be an uphill battle for everyone if your most senior teams are not true believers of the power engagement.

2. Spot an Engaged Employee, engaged employees are:Authentic
  • Employees who are themselves are more effective in the workplace.

3. Define and refine your culture to engage: Keep your “culture to engage” in the front of employees’ and managers’ minds.
  •  Make “culture,” “engagement,” and similar subjects frequent items for discussion.

4. One of the most important rules of Employee Engagement: Rules are meant to be broken.
  •  Sometimes, you may find that it is necessary to break a rule to easily proved extraordinary service or just to make things work as they should.
5. Engage remote teams: Use web cams
  •  An inexpensive web cam can be tied to your Instant Messenger. It is a great way to humanize people who are just names on a "cc" list.
As always we're busy devising more employment law seminars

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