Thursday, June 7, 2012

Social Media Marketing

Legal-Island has been studying social media marketing closely this week and have gleaned 5 important key points to remember:

1. Declining Effectiveness - the traditional approaches to sales and marketing are not as effective as before
2. It's Social - Marketing as a conversation is a two-way dialogue. New 'mindsets' are required to be successful in social media
3. Power Shift - Social media empowers the customers and the network
4. It's a Revolution - A fundamental and revolutionary change in online behaviour, expectations and in the online customer experience
5. The End of Business as Usual -  We need new 'mindsets', new business approaches and new performance measures. It's not all about being a broadcast medium. It's about listening to and engaging with customers, partners and community.

As always we're busy devising more Irish employment law seminars

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